Try a sample first

Curious about how to get started with product sampling yourself? Below we share examples, benefits and best practices that can help. Why Product Sampling Marketing is So Effective for Brands. What Should Brands Consider Before Offering Samples? The Basics of How to Do Product Sampling Overview.

The good news? Direct mail sampling is straightforward. This type of program involves sending samples or trial products via mail. Shoppers will then eat a small shipping fee in exchange for their samples.

For example, Mario Badescu offers a personalized skincare quiz to first-time shoppers. Upon finishing, participants are presented with relevant products related to their unique regimen.

Then, shoppers are given the option to buy products outright or request samples. Source: Mario Badescu. Direct mail sampling programs are particularly popular among specialty beauty brands. The higher your price point, the more likely shoppers will want to try before they buy.

This sampling method involves giving shoppers a digital taste of your products. In short, shoppers get to try products without leaving the house or ordering an in-home trial. For fashion and apparel brands, virtual try-on using AR have grown more popular over the years. Source: YouTube.

While virtual product sampling is sort of niche, it is instant. For consumers, virtual sampling means no shipping fees or juggling packages. The caveat? Product gifting is a form of sampling where you send your products to content creators.

Of course, the goal is to get those creators to post about your brand on social media. Post requirements mean you will need to gift more. Below is a great product gifting example from Vessi:. Source: with. Gifting campaigns do double duty by helping brands win new customers and build social proof at the same time.

That said, gifting requires some legwork. The process of contacting creators and sending them packages can be time-consuming.

The benefits are worth it if you have the bandwidth, though. From posts showing off your brand to glowing reviews, gifting is among the best product sampling methods for building awareness. Consider that convenience is the top driver of online purchases. Still, some products need to be seen in person before buyers are comfortable.

As noted earlier, this is common with high-ticket purchases. Even Amazon is hopping on the sampling bandwagon with their Prime Try Before You Buy program.

Below is another example from Azazie. The brand offers try-on wedding dresses and free swatch samples for shoppers. Their dresses and gowns must be returned within seven days of being received. On the flip side, their swatches are truly free samples with no returns necessary.

Source: Azazie. By collecting feedback from customers who have sampled your products, you can glean valuable knowledge about what customers like or dislike about your products. This can be used to improve the product or position the product differently.

In terms of retail the result can be a better customer experience, a boost in sales and ultimately an increase in customer loyalty. Brands can choose to either conduct wet or dry sampling. Wet sampling involves providing customers with a freshly made product, while dry sampling involves giving customers pre-packaged products.

Wet sampling can be more effective in creating a memorable experience because they can taste and experience the product firsthand. However, it can also be more costly because it requires the brand to provide samples and potentially pay for the space or event where the sampling is taking place.

Dry sampling can be more cost-effective because the brand can produce and distribute the samples at a lower cost. It can also be more convenient for consumers because they can try the product on their own time and in their own environment. In a crowded marketplace, providing complimentary product samples can help your brand differentiate itself and capture the attention of potential customers.

This can be especially effective for new or niche brands trying to get a foothold in-store. Tactics can include creating interactive displays or partnering with influencers to create buzz around your product. Beyond standing out in crowded aisles, sampling can help you connect with your customers on a much deeper level by providing a tangible experience with your product.

When someone tries your product, they have a first-hand experience with it, and this can create a strong emotional connection with your brand. This connection can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy, as customers are more likely to recommend your product to their friends and family.

Megaron is a Polish company that produces a range of construction and DIY products. The objective of our campaign was to support the promotion of its products at these outlets. The campaign saw us place 20 brand ambassadors across a month, fully trained by Megaron to help them understand the product offering, how best to sell the product and how to report on the interactions they had with customers.

Once in the stores our team became the people delivering training. Sampling is a smart marketing strategy for brands looking to grow their customer base and increase brand loyalty in retail. Get your products into the hands of potential customers and let them experience the value first-hand.

Not only will this give you valuable insights into your target audience, but it will also set you apart from the competition, help you connect with customers on a personal level and allow you to reach specific audiences.

After all, a brand in the hand is worth two on the shelf. Martin Rothwell, Client Relations Lead at GottaBe! Marketing , is passionate about data-driven marketing, understanding what makes consumers behave in the way they do and delivering campaigns for brands that just work! Here are some of the main reasons why implementing sampling into your brand awareness campaign can prove helpful.

This again demonstrates the efficiency of sampling. Again, this has roots in psychology—by providing the customer an opportunity to try the product, you are decreasing their uncertainty and ultimately, any anxiety they may have around their decision to buy.

Looking to create an unforgettable brand activation that harnesses the power of sampling? Reach out to Inspira Marketing Group today to learn more about how we can help. How Effective Is Product Sampling? Eye-opening Research Eventeem. Definitive Guide About Product Sampling — All You Need to Know Peekage.

mere-exposure effect APA Dictionary of Psychology. The Importance of Sampling By Bobby Johnson February 10, What Is Product Sampling? Why Is Sampling So Important?

Are you interested in a new product—but wanted to try it first? With Peekage Sample products you've always wanted to try—for free! Discover exciting Offering product samples can drive more sales. Incorporate try-before-buy programs, Programs that allow trials first can improve consumer Consumers try your brand in the comfort of their own home, delivered by us Send Me a Sample is the world's first and only voice activated sampling platform

Try a sample first - Product samples help drive this brand awareness before customers even reach your stand. For example, 81% of EventTrack respondents said they Are you interested in a new product—but wanted to try it first? With Peekage Sample products you've always wanted to try—for free! Discover exciting Offering product samples can drive more sales. Incorporate try-before-buy programs, Programs that allow trials first can improve consumer Consumers try your brand in the comfort of their own home, delivered by us Send Me a Sample is the world's first and only voice activated sampling platform

Are you interested in a new product—but wanted to try it first? With Peekage, you can. Browse through thousands of products, claim offers, and get them shipped to you for free. Did you like one of the products you tested?

Voice your opinion directly with your favorite brands brands through our PACKS—and get rewarded with coins! Check out our robust catalog of products from your favorite brands. Find and try new products without spending anything. See something you like? Earn additional coins on Peekage by answering your Packs.

We reward you for providing valuable feedback on the products you try. From there, the numbers fall off dramatically.

They like free food, free clothing, free drinks, free anything. Giving away product samples at any type of experiential marketing event is the best thing you can do to draw consumers to you.

You can tell them your product will make their skin healthier, their mind sharper, their body healthier, their home smell better.

You can show them how it looks and what makes it different from the goods offered by your competitors. You can list the celebrities, doctors or other professionals that have endorsed it. That experience, and their ability to use their senses to explore your product, is very important.

Product sampling can be a powerful first step in getting a consumer to try your product for the first time. That emotional connection is the core of developing loyalty to your brand more on this later. People are busy. Try handing out product samples on a weekend, or choose a different venue entirely.

Getting a one-time customer is great. Getting a long-term customer is much better. You want the people who are already buying from you to keep coming back. Experiential marketing is a big part of the push to secure customers who will buy your products for life and encourage their friends to do the same.


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By Maugul

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