Free craft demos

If you are interested in the physical layout used on the breadboard, you can find it along with firmware and source code near the top of the page. If you want to learn more, I suggest you dive into the source code, starting with boot. S , mainloop. S and asm.

The most interesting part is probably the cycle-accurate code in asm. Posted Thursday Mar Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what people other than myself write in the forums. Please report any abuse, such as insults, slander, spam and illegal material, and I will take appropriate actions.

Don't feed the trolls. Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material.

Mata inte trålarna. show navigation. hide navigation Swedish content. Site search:. Page collections Blag Chip music Chipophone Games Hardware projects Music downloads Obfuscated programming Piano music Sane programming Scene productions SID related pages Software downloads Underhanded code Video clips.

Featured pages 15 Years of Scene Spirit Å-machine A Mind Is Born Autosokoban Blackbird C64 Theremin Chipophone Chopin vs Flappy Bird Chuck Rock Commodordion Craft Craverly Heights in Dialog Datassettes Dial-a-SID Dialog Elements of Chip Music Evolution of C64 games Faking Fissile Material Fratres GCR decoding on the fly Glyptodont Live Guitar Slinger Hanlon Fugue Hardsync Impossible Bottle In Darkness Hope Kernighan's lever Lunatico Machine Yearning MISC Monti On The 'Bin Music For Microcontrollers O Holy Night Parallelogram Partita Prelude Paulimba Perpetual Fragility Platform Hopping Poems for bugs Qwertuoso Reverberations Safe VSP Sidreloc Sixtyforgan Spindle v3 Stein's Nocturne Streaming Stripboard Cart Three PC Pieces Three PETSCII pieces TTY demystified Unity Variation 18 Vivaldi Summer Presto Vocalise Watch Room We learn the nibbles Wings I've lost in dreams Zeugma.

Fund my projects Patreon Steady Don't miss Qwertuoso Tutorial Forum Register Log in Latest comments Syndication RSS feed Feedback. Craft Craft is a demo running on its own minimalistic demo platform. This is the result: This video at youtube. GND AREF n. Discuss this page Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what people other than myself write in the forums.

Anonymous Fri Mar and this shift register can be programmed to emit a sequence of 8 bits with a single instruction, thus offloading the CPU. You brought back such wonderful nostalgic memories for me.

A job really well done. Seriously awesome work! Bet there isn't a free word left! Jeff warrantyvoidifremoved. Great job! That gives to me a lot of good memories about the 80's computering styles. Really great old school demo : Thumbs Up!!! Keep going, it's really awesome!!!! Great work! Nice to realize again how much can be done with a simple 8-bit processor.

Wow that is amazing. Would using 2 or 3 chips like this produce even more impressive results? I notice there is some horizontal jitter in the lava field section, between and I guess you are running short on the time needed to do the calculations accurately.

Very great work. Absolut great demo and hardware Big greetings, Chainsaw. Autoscatto autoscatto Wed Apr What kind of diode do you use in this board? Thanks for your good work!!! and excuse my bad english. Autoscatto wrote: Hola! Really impressive. I'll be showing this to friends at KTH kth.

se , and probably build one or two. On my main lab board I have an AT90USB chip, which has to run at 16MHz to support USB, so I'd guess that means lower horizontal resolution. I think an Xmega could be really impressive, using its DMA engine to output high resolution colour signals.

I am amazed and impressed. Bit-banging VGA and using the SPI port as a video shifter is too clever Does Atmel know about this demo of yours? the author should have drawn schematic more legibily using some circuit drawing software instead of this lousy ascii patterns arun - India.

I've been working on something simular for a few months on and off, when i got the time but i have not yet taken the time to create a full demo. see www. com I must say this is a very good demo.

Great work on the hardware too! Great job!!! Nice job : Will it run on ATMEGA8 overclocked to 20MHz? Eddy-B wrote: I've been working on something simular for a few months on and off, when i got the time but i have not yet taken the time to create a full demo. lft wrote: Yeah, I've already got it bookmarked.

The tradeoff between VGA and composite is of course that the VGA signal has a higher pixel clock, but in the composite signal you've got to modulate the colour signals.

But when one tries to build something generic, such as your console, one needs external ram, and then it's not such a big deal to add further external components.

That was breathtaking Linus, probably the best thing I've seen an 8 bit micro do! I'd be interested to see what you can do with a Parallax Propeller 32 Bit 8 Cores 32K RAM MCU :- Coley. Very inspiring. I will give it a try. I hope this starts a new demo category. Nice work! Great job, it reminds me the old days of the C64 demo scene :.

I feel 20 year younger now :. I am highly impressed! I was doing something similar, but I've only generated VGA signal and no sound and my scheme involves two memory chips page switching , a CPLD to control sync pulses and memory, and a PIC to write data into the memory.

Anyway, props to you for doing this all in software on one chip! I like this project. I like atmel. I like life. After this, build your own OS. Then automations metal oash82 yahoo.

com Thu Jul Hi, I was wondering what software do u use to draw the stripboard layout? This is awesome! Never thought that little thing would have the power to generate that. sch contact me: bram at atasco dot nl what kind of transistor did you use?

Mycket snyggt jobbat! Man får en riktig resa tillbaka till den tid då dataspelen var som roligast och även oskyldigast. Respekt från årig gammal räv! Kan bara säga hur imponerande det är. Påminner om gammla C64 och Amiga demos.

Keep up the good work. metal wrote: Hi, I was wondering what software do u use to draw the stripboard layout?

I would congratulate you, but there are no words to describe how amazing that was. Have you been at all tempted by the AT94K05AL?

It's a bit more towards the pricey end but soo many possibilities. I guess the best cheap boost would be a low end xmega. you can use volume pricing for your price calculations though because the idea is to imagine if you made thousands of them.

this is just amazing. would it be possible to have several of these chips work together, and specialize one chip for one kind of work, thus getting a better result?

higher computational power. couple that with a homemade input device or something like an old NES controller , and you could make your own game console. many, many kudos to you. Very nice work!!! Hi lft! I'm very much impressed by your work!

I would like to ask a question: Since you obviously have the knowhow to produce graphics and the VGA signals at the same time, would it be possible to create some kind of simple vga-driver for the MEGA88 in a way that you can set some graphic elements on the screen using a I²C or RS interface?

What I would like to see is a lib for the MEGA8. We just flash it and can do the following for example: - setPixel x,y,color - setCircle x,y,radius, color, bfill - setText x,y,cString, color, So we could transfer some instructions and the MEGA8 would display the data on the VGA-Panel.

A couple of FPS per second would be enough. Would that be possible? An AVR console using NES controllers and NTSC Composite Video output. would it be possible to create some kind of simple vga-driver for the MEGA88 in a way that you can set some graphic elements on the screen using a I²C or RS interface?

lft wrote I posted the above question and just realized that 4K would only allow x pixels, so how about some of the 8K RAM processors? Would that allow some basic text and graphics capabilities using serial port for video data input?

Thanks again! My initial idea about the setPixel and stuff was to keep track about how things are created. Not storing the actual image. If you want to set a pixel you check if the pixel should be painted by searching some kind of ObjectPaintInstruction-stack or something.

I have to add that this approach would loose speed the more objects are to be displayed maybe a dedicated VGA driver chip would be the easier choice ;. That is a very nice example of lateral thinking making the best of the AVR's potential. Full marks! I've played about with generating video directly from an AVR myself, did most of a space invaders game as a demo, and I've actually used similar techniques on commercial designs to drive graphic LCD displays directly from an AVR the timing is rather less critical with LCD's That included driving a windowed display using a Mega with next to no external hardware, so from the perspective of someone who knows exactly what's involved let me say that you've done a beautiful job there Congratulations :.

Hi, great work. I am trying to rebuild this thing. Whats the PNP transistor? Is "BCC" okay? Very impressive, then I saw the Mandelbrot being calculated in real-time and my mind possibly just exploded Absolutely amazing! Easily the most brilliant demo I've seen in years, possibly ever!

Now get an ATmegap 16K RAM clocked at 20 MHz and do some REALLY fancy stuff! Is anyone else having trouble viewing the fullscreen rip video? I can't seem to get it to play properly, even after an hour or so of messing with codecs.

You're the god of microcontrollers. i've just finished to make a little game for 2 players for the Atmel ATtiny13 connected to a TV BAS signal generation so i can imagine what you've programed. Craft is really fantastic. Riktigt snyggt. Tror jag ska ta o bygga mej en sån själv så att jag verkligen kan visa hur kraftig en liten mega är.

Hur lång tid tog det att implementera? Återigen riktigt snyggt! Awsome work! I really loved this piece of Art when I saw it first, and I'm still in love. Being an Electrical Engineer I smile like hell when I see this demo.

That gives a sample rate of kHz. Only one bug report: This should be Hz, or You guys are just sick! Best Regards Ruben Täufer Germany. gz on XP. How can it be decompressed? Any help would be appreciated. I'm pretty bad at analogue electronics but you write in the description that the red,green and blue lines vary between ground and 0.

But when i look at the ladder in your ascii schematics for for example red PC4, PC5 i would have thought that when both is set to 1 5V you get 3. Am i missing something? I try to create that or like The Author of the site many thanks and respect from Russia!

How to force it to display data from UART or other interface. Anyway, awsome work. I'm highly impressed. I apologize for my English.

Hi I have some questions. This is really one of the most amazing things i have seen, and since you have uploaded the source and schematics i wanted to build my own copy of your demo board to see if it actually works. I REALLY want to see it with my own eyes and show it to my friends So, I have an atmega lying around, which almost is identical to atmega88, but with more flash.

My board is ready and built according to your ASCII description, but I can't make it work for some reason. Im quite new to microcontrollers and im not familiar enough with assembler to understand most of your code I have tried for hours, really.

Linux is my main OS and i have avr-gcc, avrdude, the build-essential metapackage and so on installed, so compiling your sources went without problems. The hex-file is uploaded and the fuses are set as you described. But as mentioned, it does not work.. there is no signal on any pin.

I think this is because the source is unchanged, and written for atmega88, so there are most likely some things that need to be changed in order to run it on atmega, but i dont even know where to start.

Usually i use eclipse with the avr plugin, so i dont really know how most things actually work. pdf Would you pleeease help me getting started, i really want to make this work. I will upload my eagle schematics and board layout once im sure it works, together with the atmega hex file in case someone is interested.

amazing work man, the sounds of your demo brought me back to my youth playing games on ancient hardware :D. lft wrote: the author should have drawn schematic more legibily using some circuit drawing software instead of this lousy ascii patterns arun - India.

Hello, first, I must say that I'm really in awe, and that reading the craft source code was possibly the most educational AVR experience I've ever had.

However, I've got a problem with getting my own copy to work - basically, the video is there, perfectly stable and all correct, but there's no sound. I've already octuple-checked is that even a word? com and then start downloading your choice of any of thousands of top quality patterns for all types of craft and hobby projects.

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Apr 2, - Creative crafts, DIY inspiration, beautiful decor, fun ways to upcycle, and more. See more ideas about crafts, diy inspiration, creative An ecommerce website built with Craft Commerce. Manage product variants, filtering, shopping cart, and a fully-customizable checkout flow. Request Demo Duration

Craft Ideas

Free craft demos - We have hundreds of video demonstrations that are jam-packed with ideas and DIY Paper Gems: Easy Papercraft Tutorial + Free Template. K views. 10 Apr 2, - Creative crafts, DIY inspiration, beautiful decor, fun ways to upcycle, and more. See more ideas about crafts, diy inspiration, creative An ecommerce website built with Craft Commerce. Manage product variants, filtering, shopping cart, and a fully-customizable checkout flow. Request Demo Duration

Please report any abuse, such as insults, slander, spam and illegal material, and I will take appropriate actions. Don't feed the trolls. Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra.

Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

show navigation. hide navigation Swedish content. Site search:. Page collections Blag Chip music Chipophone Games Hardware projects Music downloads Obfuscated programming Piano music Sane programming Scene productions SID related pages Software downloads Underhanded code Video clips.

Featured pages 15 Years of Scene Spirit Å-machine A Mind Is Born Autosokoban Blackbird C64 Theremin Chipophone Chopin vs Flappy Bird Chuck Rock Commodordion Craft Craverly Heights in Dialog Datassettes Dial-a-SID Dialog Elements of Chip Music Evolution of C64 games Faking Fissile Material Fratres GCR decoding on the fly Glyptodont Live Guitar Slinger Hanlon Fugue Hardsync Impossible Bottle In Darkness Hope Kernighan's lever Lunatico Machine Yearning MISC Monti On The 'Bin Music For Microcontrollers O Holy Night Parallelogram Partita Prelude Paulimba Perpetual Fragility Platform Hopping Poems for bugs Qwertuoso Reverberations Safe VSP Sidreloc Sixtyforgan Spindle v3 Stein's Nocturne Streaming Stripboard Cart Three PC Pieces Three PETSCII pieces TTY demystified Unity Variation 18 Vivaldi Summer Presto Vocalise Watch Room We learn the nibbles Wings I've lost in dreams Zeugma.

Fund my projects Patreon Steady Don't miss Qwertuoso Tutorial Forum Register Log in Latest comments Syndication RSS feed Feedback.

Craft Craft is a demo running on its own minimalistic demo platform. This is the result: This video at youtube. GND AREF n. Discuss this page Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what people other than myself write in the forums.

Anonymous Fri Mar and this shift register can be programmed to emit a sequence of 8 bits with a single instruction, thus offloading the CPU. You brought back such wonderful nostalgic memories for me. A job really well done. Seriously awesome work! Bet there isn't a free word left! Jeff warrantyvoidifremoved.

Great job! That gives to me a lot of good memories about the 80's computering styles. Really great old school demo : Thumbs Up!!! Keep going, it's really awesome!!!! Great work! Nice to realize again how much can be done with a simple 8-bit processor.

Wow that is amazing. Would using 2 or 3 chips like this produce even more impressive results? I notice there is some horizontal jitter in the lava field section, between and I guess you are running short on the time needed to do the calculations accurately.

Very great work. Absolut great demo and hardware Big greetings, Chainsaw. Autoscatto autoscatto Wed Apr What kind of diode do you use in this board?

Thanks for your good work!!! and excuse my bad english. Autoscatto wrote: Hola! Really impressive. I'll be showing this to friends at KTH kth. se , and probably build one or two. On my main lab board I have an AT90USB chip, which has to run at 16MHz to support USB, so I'd guess that means lower horizontal resolution.

I think an Xmega could be really impressive, using its DMA engine to output high resolution colour signals. I am amazed and impressed. Bit-banging VGA and using the SPI port as a video shifter is too clever Does Atmel know about this demo of yours?

the author should have drawn schematic more legibily using some circuit drawing software instead of this lousy ascii patterns arun - India. I've been working on something simular for a few months on and off, when i got the time but i have not yet taken the time to create a full demo.

see www. com I must say this is a very good demo. Great work on the hardware too! Great job!!! Nice job : Will it run on ATMEGA8 overclocked to 20MHz?

Eddy-B wrote: I've been working on something simular for a few months on and off, when i got the time but i have not yet taken the time to create a full demo. lft wrote: Yeah, I've already got it bookmarked. The tradeoff between VGA and composite is of course that the VGA signal has a higher pixel clock, but in the composite signal you've got to modulate the colour signals.

But when one tries to build something generic, such as your console, one needs external ram, and then it's not such a big deal to add further external components. That was breathtaking Linus, probably the best thing I've seen an 8 bit micro do!

I'd be interested to see what you can do with a Parallax Propeller 32 Bit 8 Cores 32K RAM MCU :- Coley. Very inspiring. I will give it a try. I hope this starts a new demo category. Nice work! Great job, it reminds me the old days of the C64 demo scene :. I feel 20 year younger now :.

I am highly impressed! I was doing something similar, but I've only generated VGA signal and no sound and my scheme involves two memory chips page switching , a CPLD to control sync pulses and memory, and a PIC to write data into the memory. Anyway, props to you for doing this all in software on one chip!

I like this project. I like atmel. I like life. After this, build your own OS. Then automations metal oash82 yahoo. com Thu Jul Hi, I was wondering what software do u use to draw the stripboard layout?

This is awesome! Never thought that little thing would have the power to generate that. sch contact me: bram at atasco dot nl what kind of transistor did you use? Mycket snyggt jobbat! Man får en riktig resa tillbaka till den tid då dataspelen var som roligast och även oskyldigast.

Respekt från årig gammal räv! Kan bara säga hur imponerande det är. Påminner om gammla C64 och Amiga demos. Keep up the good work.

metal wrote: Hi, I was wondering what software do u use to draw the stripboard layout? I would congratulate you, but there are no words to describe how amazing that was. Have you been at all tempted by the AT94K05AL? It's a bit more towards the pricey end but soo many possibilities.

I guess the best cheap boost would be a low end xmega. you can use volume pricing for your price calculations though because the idea is to imagine if you made thousands of them.

this is just amazing. would it be possible to have several of these chips work together, and specialize one chip for one kind of work, thus getting a better result?

higher computational power. couple that with a homemade input device or something like an old NES controller , and you could make your own game console. many, many kudos to you. Very nice work!!!

Hi lft! I'm very much impressed by your work! I would like to ask a question: Since you obviously have the knowhow to produce graphics and the VGA signals at the same time, would it be possible to create some kind of simple vga-driver for the MEGA88 in a way that you can set some graphic elements on the screen using a I²C or RS interface?

What I would like to see is a lib for the MEGA8. We just flash it and can do the following for example: - setPixel x,y,color - setCircle x,y,radius, color, bfill - setText x,y,cString, color, So we could transfer some instructions and the MEGA8 would display the data on the VGA-Panel.

A couple of FPS per second would be enough. Would that be possible? An AVR console using NES controllers and NTSC Composite Video output. would it be possible to create some kind of simple vga-driver for the MEGA88 in a way that you can set some graphic elements on the screen using a I²C or RS interface?

lft wrote I posted the above question and just realized that 4K would only allow x pixels, so how about some of the 8K RAM processors? Would that allow some basic text and graphics capabilities using serial port for video data input?

Thanks again! My initial idea about the setPixel and stuff was to keep track about how things are created. Not storing the actual image. If you want to set a pixel you check if the pixel should be painted by searching some kind of ObjectPaintInstruction-stack or something. I have to add that this approach would loose speed the more objects are to be displayed maybe a dedicated VGA driver chip would be the easier choice ;.

That is a very nice example of lateral thinking making the best of the AVR's potential. Full marks! I've played about with generating video directly from an AVR myself, did most of a space invaders game as a demo, and I've actually used similar techniques on commercial designs to drive graphic LCD displays directly from an AVR the timing is rather less critical with LCD's That included driving a windowed display using a Mega with next to no external hardware, so from the perspective of someone who knows exactly what's involved let me say that you've done a beautiful job there Manage consent.

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It's a fab upcycle tutorial. Learn how to make peg magnets right here on Gathered. Greet your guests with this welcoming rug! Sew yourself the sweetest foxy pal with Jo Carter's adorable free fox sewing pattern.

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Demox guess the crafr cheap ceaft would be Affordable picnic gear and supplies low end xmega. Learn Free craft demos to do peg Free craft demos weaving with Stephanie Fradette's free tutorial. Give your Autumnal decor a modern makeover this year with Becki Clark's tutorial. Really great old school demo : Thumbs Up!!! Minecrafter wrote: Linus, can you make a standalone emulator of your various demos like Craft? Vicky Sheridan has shared her free tutorial for these beautiful crepe paper flowers.


Track Craft Demo - Official Quest 3 Trailer - Race in Mixed Reality

By Ter

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